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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Advances in Interactive Intelligent Systems

Modul: Modul 11: Seminar
Dozenten: JProf. Dr. Mario Nadj, Antonia Loge
Umfang / Credits: 2 SWS / 5 Credits
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar
Prüfungsart: Seminararbeit und Präsentation
Sprache: Englisch
Bewerbung: Online-Bewerbung (Beschreibung unten)
Kick-off: Donnerstag, 12.10.2023; 10:00-12:00, FWW6 / 2.028 (Seminarraumgebäude)
Hinweise: Verpflichtende Teilnahme an dem Kurs "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (wird kursbegleitend angeboten); die Seminarthemen und alle organisatorischen Informationen werden in der Kick-off Veranstaltung vorgestellt.


Interactive Intelligent Systems are systems created for interaction between people and their environment using digital technologies and are becoming increasingly popular. For example, crowdsourcing systems are equipped with intelligence to collaborate with human workers and enable them to conduct various repetitive and monotonous tasks more effectively. Wearable devices, in turn, may track the physiological activity of an organization’s workforce to support their well-being and job performance. Moreover, guidance systems can help employees make business decisions, solve problems, and perform tasks by offering suggestions and information. However, the design and development of Interactive Intelligent Systems are difficult to realize due to people’s different skills, preferences, and human limitations. With this in mind, this seminar will explore how novel interactive systems can intelligently deal with different challenges and constraints that humans have previously faced. The seminar is designed to give students the opportunity to work scientifically on current topics in the field of Interactive Intelligent Systems by focusing on cutting-edge research in this field. Hereby, students have to carry out a structured literature analysis.