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Department of Business and Economics
Bachelor Thesis

Where do we go from here? A State-of-the-Art Overview and Research Agenda for Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Type: Bachelor Thesis

Date: starting immediately

Problem Statement

Besides the opportunities offered by AI, its use can also have unexpected negative consequences that can cause considerable damage to consumers, employees, organizations, or the society as a whole. Organizations therefore need to learn how to responsibly manage human-machine interactions and consider ethical aspects when using AI. Against this backdrop, the research field of Responsible Artificial Intelligence (RAI) is concerned with developing AI in such a way that it possesses, for instance, certain social and moral characteristics and capabilities. However, due to the interdisciplinary nature of this field, it is important to obtain a state-of-the-art review of literature findings that brings together the strands of different fields of research. To this end, this Bachelor thesis aims to conduct a systematic literature review and establish a research agenda based on this review.

Goals of the Thesis

  • State-of-the-art review of RAI research by conducting a systematic literature review
  • Development of a research agenda for RAI research on this basis


  • Interest in the field of RAI
  • The thesis and exposé can be written in either English or German


If you are interested in this topic and want like to apply for this thesis, please contact Antonia Loge (antonia.logetu-dortmundde). Feel free to reach out beforehand if you have any questions.